Monday, February 25, 2008,6:51 PM
It's me again !

Lakerol strawberry is sooo sweettt !

Hello hello . My comp have pronounced officially dead . No internet connection . No crunchyroll . No homework or whatsoever . I'm so disappointed in my comp . Haiz .

Therefore I'm here again , making full use of the recess time to post something .
The most interesting things recently was the seoul garden GHC outing and the kbox-ians outing . Laughed alot .

And anyway , you know , I ordered sprite for the drink at kbox , and they gave me some strange strange drink which according to 1525 , tasted like "she cao shui" . Therefore , the very kind and helpful 1525 helped me to tell the person who came in to serve us , in a funny way .

"Ehhh ta jiao sprite lehs . "
Then I was like , " Yea you don't believe you try luhs . " HAHA .
The person was like so embarrassed and said she would help me change it . :D

Thanks alot 1525 !!!
I can't imagine what would happen to me if I have to put up with the starnge drink for the full four hours !

Monday, February 18, 2008,10:07 PM

Stressed .
common tests goin on now and I've screwed up many .
Babii is now beside me and I dk why is she pissed .
Now she's gone ding dong and playing with the cd drive and talking to the computer .
I ask her what I should type for my post and she said, Come on lah ! It's your blog leh !
So okay lohs .

Honey: Yep. It's your blog. I'm not pissed. I'm just telling you your free rights.
Dear Dear (me): Okays lohs . No wonder you score so high for history without studying . HAHA .
Honey: WTH the CT haven't even take back lor!!
Dear Dear: Aiya can't you tell I'm exaggerating ? Like when you say something taste like shit , you don't really mean it right ? If not ... don't tell me ... YOU TASTED SHIT BEFORE ??? O___O
Honey: No comments. Exaggeration is a sin. Repent and sin no more. copyrighted by ###
Dear Dear: Waaa not bad ahhh ... Still know how to quote from ### lehs !
Honey: Of course la! I as clever as the sky ar (<<<< exaggeration <<< sin)
Dear Dear: Yea I know of course lah ! You GHC pressie lehs ! But i also not bad . I GHC vice pressie hehes . I as brave as the fire engine which dashed into the building ahhh !
Honey: Ya lor, and your fire engine as brave as a lion hor?
Dear Dear:Yea ! How you know !? HAHA .
Honey: Let me help you get readership - because I am that teacher la!
Dear Dear: Everyone don't listen to her crap ! (:
Honey: Crap crap.
Dear Dear: Let end the conversation with a LAME---
Honey: I knew it, ever since my Crap Crap I have a feeling our conversation will end. No need to end with any LAMECHOP. Bye bye.
Dear Dear: Woots ! My honey so not cooperative hor ! (I dk what's with the Woots !)
Honey: -____-""". Wah lao as rude as the...w/e la! Say bye!
Dear Dear: Okays since I'm the ever so obedient Dear Dear . BYE !
Honey: -pukes-
Dear Dear : Go and die lah !
-end of story-


Honey: There is none as shitty/lame/fullofcrap as you.
Dear Dear : Yes there is ! Remember the very crappy Crappy ?
Honey: true la. BUT CAN WE LIKE, END THIS?!
Dear Dear : Okays this time it's for real . BYE !
Honey: Wonderful. I get the last line. BYE!

Monday, February 11, 2008,2:02 AM




我不愿意 再 为了讨你的欢心
美丽 \ 放弃



Tuesday, February 5, 2008,12:36 AM
whatever .

I don't know why .
But I'm feeling blah now and can't seem to get high .

Quite looking forward to tomorrow at Malaysia , but i don't know what will happen there . It seems so scary . I hate uncertainties .

Loads of friggin' homework and revision to do , but I doubt I will have time to do it . I'm prepared to flunk my common tests , although I don't want to .

Finally got my luggage ready . Think I forgot alot of things but I don't know what . Later goin to eat tuan yuan fan with my family . Miss my gor gor loads . I wanna play devil may cry with him !

My brain just cannot function now . I'm goin off . Bye .

This is not supposed to an emo post .

Sunday, February 3, 2008,6:26 PM

I'm sick of school and homework .

Friday, February 1, 2008,11:53 PM
It all ends tonight .

Physics SPA I and Chemistry SPA is finally over .

I feel very very tired and exhuasted .
I can't explain what I'm feeling nowadays .
Something invisible is clinging on to me , giving me pressure ,but i can't explain what .

ahhh , I hate this .
I hope it gets over soon .


-J(: Modern Dance Society

HEARTS all my darlings


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